How To Stay Motivated in 2015 to Accomplish Your Health Goals

Health is a journey, not a destination. Staying motivated to achieve a health goal can be a struggle .

If you go to any gym in the country the first week of January, you will see a massive influx of motivated people ready to shed those extra lbs. and start a new habit of health. But as statistics show, this doesn’t last long. By the time February rolls around, most of those motivated faces seem to disappear. Why is this?

Well, we are creatures of habit. Habits allow our brains to do less work and can actually help us accomplish more…when they are resourceful habits. But with the good also comes the bad. Unresourcful habits such as eating the wrong or too much food, not getting enough sleep, drinking too much alcohol and not exercising are common un-resourceful habits in our society.

An un-resourceful habit is a habit that may provide temporary immediate gratification but in the long run is extremely detrimental to our health and happiness. We pick up these unresourceful habits throughout life usually as coping strategies.

A resourceful habit, on the other hand, is one that will propel your life, health and happiness forward. These habits may not always provide immediate gratification, but in the long run their reward is much greater. Examples of resourceful habits are: exercising daily, eating nutrient rich foods, maintaining healthy relationships and having a spiritual practice.

Replacing un-resourceful habits with resourceful ones isn’t easy. It takes a strong desire, commitment and a strong emotional reason or what I call a big “why.”

Most people fall short of their New Year’s resolutions because they never connect with their big “why.” If this year you really want to accomplish that well-intended goal to live a healthier lifestyle, you must connect with a strong emotional reason and fully commit to making a lifestyle change.

Here are some questions I ask my clients to help them discover their big “why.”

Questions to help discover you’re big “why”…
1. What are you going to miss out on by not living a healthy lifestyle?
2. What would change in your life if you became healthy?
3. How would the gift of health enhance your life and the lives of those around you?

Here is my simple and effective step by step process to creating powerful motivation and keeping it.
1. Get clear on what you want. (Don’t move to step two until you have a crystal clear picture of what this is.)
2. Uncover the true authentic reasons for why you want, what you want.
3. Choose the most emotionally charged reason (your big “why”) and write it down.
4. Connect to your big “why” every day. Read it aloud upon waking and before going to bed.

Now imagine what your life would be like if you had strength, flexibility, endurance and clear thinking. The gift of health is within your reach! Right now, fully commit to taking massive action, connecting with your big “why” and making your health a priority. Another tip is to find a friend or coach to hold you accountable. Having the extra guidance and support greatly increases your chances of success.

Let’s kick off 2015 by embracing the possibility that we are much more than we allow ourselves to be and stop living life as if it’s a dress rehearsal.

Best wishes, health and happiness in 2015.

Coach Devin

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