Sugar cravings are natural. Throughout evolution, humans have been programmed to desire sweet tasting foods. That being said, it’s very hard to control sugar cravings, if you don’t understand where they are coming from to begin with…
Month: March 2016
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Every businessman, regardless of which specific business niche he or she have chosen, should have some milestones and precise KPIs down their mind. This helps you in getting there…
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As obvious as this may sound, understanding just who your business’ customers are and what exactly do they want from you is super important. And not always it takes a marketing research…
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Getting level with your actual competitors and knowing how to both cooperate and compete with them is so important. This means that in order to get a full picture you will definitely need to…

What the HECK is gluten? (Should you be avoiding it?)
Recently, there has been a lot of press around gluten. Gluten is a protein (amino acid) found in several types of grains, including wheat, spelt, rye and barley. It’s the glue-like substance that gives bread its elastic properties. Gluten isn’t technically harmful to your health unless you have celiac disease, the most severe gluten allergy,…
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Always looking out for your company’s weaknesses and for your competitor’s strengths – this is what a successful businessman is all about. So, how do you make your outlook that wide, so that…
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As many classic business books, authors said multiple times, admitting your mistakes ranks as definitely one of the most crucial trait for any seasoned or a newbie entrepreneur.