While some people might argue that point, still the email marketing is one of the most efficient communication and sales channels.
Month: April 2016
Write down what you learn
Learning new things as you go along the lines of developing your own business is a natural thing. As true as that statement is.
5 Steps to Get Unstuck in Life (#3 is a MUST)
We all go through periods in life when we feel a bit stuck and stagnant. It’s part of the ‘not so fun’ ebb and flow of the human experience. That being said, feeling this way for more than a few days can lead to a downward spiral of feeling even worse and eventually even lead…
Network horizontally
While keeping up a communication routine as expansive as possible is crucial, it’s not always about getting to know people vertically. Learning who your colleagues at your level are is so…
Manage energy, not time
Scheduling your business management time properly is crucial. Still, the main thing that everyone’s missing here is all about the fact that managing your energy is so much more effective than…
Are You Taking A Toxic Shower? This is Shocking...
Most standard shower heads don’t come with filters, which means the average home isn’t equipped with a shower filter. As many of you know city water is treated with harsh chemicals to treat impurities and reduce bacteria, however this has an adverse effect on the water. City water is highly chlorinated, treated with fluoride, and…
Top 10 BEST Superfoods | (#8 Will Surprise You)
Superfoods are the most potent super nutrient rich foods on the planet. They can increase energy, detoxify the body, boost the immune system, lower inflammation in and completely nourish our bodies at the cellular level, which is where true health and healing takes place. Below are the super stars of the superfoods. Start to incorporate some…
New Book Offers a Simple Guide to Eating Healthy in the Modern World (Press Release)
A new book is demystifying this question. In the book you’ll not only find the answer to “what to eat,” but discover what food works best for your 21st century lifestyle and unique needs. The book highlights all the ways in which good food will transform your health and how to avoid the food that…