Are You Taking A Toxic Shower? This is Shocking...

Most standard shower heads don’t come with filters, which means the average home isn’t equipped with a shower filter. As many of you know city water is treated with harsh chemicals to treat impurities and reduce bacteria, however this has an adverse effect on the water.  City water is highly chlorinated, treated with fluoride, and arsenic.  

These are are only a few of a host of poisonous, toxic chemicals in municipal water sources.  Tap water also contains, hard metals, radiation, inorganic materials, traces of pharmaceutical drugs, and harmful chemical byproducts such as PFC, PFOS, and PFOA which are all toxic compounds.

Our skin is the largest organ of our body. With over 3 trillion pores and a surface area of 20 square feet. It’s main functions are: protection, regulation and sensation. The skin protects us from microbes and the elements, it helps regulates body temperature, and permits the sensations of touch, heat, and cold.

Each time you get take a nice hot shower, you’re actually dowsing yourself in all those chemicals and toxins, if you’re not using a shower filter. Luckily your amazing body does protect you from many of these chemicals as they’re too large to be absorbed into your body.  But some of these dangerous chemicals are absorbed into your skin and they are not what you want inside your body.

The most dangerous chemical to be concerned about when it comes to showering, is the chemical disinfectant chlorine, which is directly absorbed into your bloodstream on a daily basis. Sure you want to clean yourself but not with chlorine water on a daily basis!

Top 5 risks of not using a shower filter:

1.The chemical compounds found in municipal tap water have risks linked to LDL (bad) high cholesterol, ulcerative colitis, thyroid disease, testicular cancer, kidney cancer and pregnancy-induced hypertension, infertility and more.

2.The EPA has stated that every household in the United States has elevated levels of chloroform in the air due to chlorine released from showering water. Believe it or not, more water contaminants are released into the air of a home from the shower than from any other source. 

3.Because most of us take hot water showers, we are also absorbing these chemicals through respiration and then directing into our bloodstreams.  Chemicals especially, chlorine, are inhaled and make their way into the bloodstream much more quickly than ingested chemicals, without the added filtration benefits of digestion. More chlorine enters the body through dermal absorption and inhalation while showering than through drinking tap water.

4.Municipal tap water is harsh on the skin and hair, and can leave your skin feeling dried out and flaky because of the chemicals.  It can also leave your hair feeling brittle and dry with damage folicials.

5.Unfiltered shower heads are loaded with bacteria, some of which have even been linked to infectious disease.  Not using a shower filter can greatly weaken your immunity and possibility cause immune imbalances.

Top 5 benefits of using a shower filer:

1.Using a shower filter is one of the easiest and most effective ways to reduce harmful exposure to chlorine and other chemicals, thus reduces your risks of cancer and other life threatening diseases.

2.Showering in filtered water results in greater respiratory health by reducing the risk of asthma and bronchitis from chlorine inhalation.

3.As chlorine is a leading cause of fatigue, showering in filtered, chlorine-free water results in higher energy levels and overall greater health.

4.Removing chlorine from showering water results in better air quality throughout the house.

5.Without the drying effects of chlorine, skin becomes softer, healthier, and younger looking. Your hair will look better, feel better and be much healthier.  You’ll greatly reduce the risk of any rashes or dry skin and hair associated with harsh chemical shower water.

I know it might see a little overwhelming and shocking, but it’s really just as simple as getting a quality shower filter.  Your health and the health of your loved ones are worth it. Bottom line get a shower filter! There are a number of good shower filter options available on the market today for a reasonably low cost.

I recommend whatever filter you get have a KDF-55 filter.  My personal recommendation is a Berkey Shower Filter which uses state of the art filtration technology.  CLICK HERE to order one now.

Remember…Knowledge is potential power. Taking action is real power.  Please share any thoughts, or questions below and I’ll get back to you personally.

Until next week, live passionately, on purpose…


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