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Category: Lifestyle

The 3 Biggest Diet Mistakes To Avoid
Devin Burke, top holistic weight loss strategist and coach shares 3 biggest diet mistakes to avoid for a slim waist…

Lose 23 lbs in 30 Days #1 Secret Revealed
Devin Burke, top holistic weight loss strategist and coach teaches how to lose 23 lbs in 30 days with this one secret…

3 Secrets to Rapid Healthy Weight Loss Revealed
Currently more than ¾ of Americans are overweight and more than 1/3 are obese. These numbers are increasing each year. Learn the 3 secrets to rapid healthy weight loss…

5 Things You Might Be Addicted To, But Don't Know It
Are all addictions bad? Not all addictions are bad…there can exist positive addictions. William Glasser, M.D., is a world-renowned psychiatrist actually wrote an entire book about it titled, “Positive Addiction”.

The Difference Between "Weight Loss" and "Healthy Weight Loss"
Millions of people are looking for ways to lose weight and there is no shortage of ways to accomplish this well intended goal. Each year thousands of new diet books are published, new weight loss pills, powders and medications created all in an attempt to fulfill the growing weight loss demand.

What Are You Like When You're Hangry?
“Hangry” happens when a drop in blood sugar leads to an physiological state change leading then a emotional state change…

Top 5 Reasons to Drink Kombucha Everyday
Kombucha is a tea-based fermented beverage that originates from China during the Tsin Dynasty 221 BC. It has been called the “the tea of immortality” for its many health benefits. Recently kombucha has taken the 21st century health world by storm.