Each year thousands of new diet books are published, new weight loss pills, powders and medications created all in an attempt to fulfill the growing weight loss demand.
Worldwide obesity (abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may impair health) has more than doubled since 1980.
According to the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, nearly one-third of the world’s population is now obese or overweight and nearly two thirds of Americans are overweight, and one third obese.
The world is experiencing an epidemic.
But what most people don’t realize is that there is a difference between weight loss and healthy weight loss.
We have been duped to believe that weight loss and healthy weight loss are one and the same. This couldn’t be further from the truth.
Weight loss is simply the act losing weight by any means possible. This can be accomplished from not eating, taking synthetic appetite suppressants, chemical weight lose pills and injections, liposuction and manipulation of one’s caloric intake temporary such as going on a liquid diet.
Yes, these weight loss solutions do work and some of them work fairly well, but they work at the expense of your health and vitality and are temporary solutions.
These quick weight loss solutions address being overweight as a “symptom” but never address it at its root causes.
Quick weight loss methods lead to an endless cycle of weight loss and weight gain. Have you jumped from diet to diet? Weight loss program to weight loss program? Searching for the next “miracle weight loss solution” that will finally “fix” you once and for all.
The truth is that treating a symptom will never heal the root cause. In order to make weight loss stick the root cause of the weight gain must first be address.
Life in the 21st century has programmed us to want everything at the snap of a finger.
So we are marketed and sold “quick” solutions; “8 minutes in the morning to the perfect body”, “quick weight loss”, “lose 20 lbs in 20 days with this miracle pill”, “1 minute to a sexy stomach” etc.
Savvy weight loss marketers and publishers prey on the pain of those looking to change the way they look and feel by creating an illusion that healthy weight loss is easy.
Healthy weight loss isn’t easy, but it can be simple, fun and rewarding.
Healthy weight loss is losing weight in a natural sustainable and permanent way and the truth is, it’s not “easy”. Although “easy” is very subjective to the individual, easy to most people means not having to do that much work to accomplish a goal or task.
Treating the root cause of being overweight or obese isn’t “easy”. It takes work, commitment and at times can be uncomfortable but it can also be empowering because healthy weight loss is more than just about losing weight…
It’s about reconnecting and creating freedom in your body, discovering your passions, reigniting your relationships, accelerating your energy, and living a fully engaged vibrant life.
Healthy weight loss addresses the lifestyle factors that get out of balance and lead to over eating, using food as pure entertainment or to try a fill what’s missing in your life. The truth is food can never fill what’s missing in your life.
Have you ever used food as a substitute for other things you want in life but were too afraid to take action on? Do you use food to manage your emotions or as a reward? Do you eat when you feel lonely, bored, anger or stressed?
If you’re overweight or obese the answers to these questions is most likely yes. The answers to these questions also hold the keys to healthy weight loss. In order to change or shift something that’s out of balance, that something must first be in your awareness to be shifted.
Often times these feelings, frustrations and patterns are subconscious or have become so routine that we lose touch with them and they become automatic.
To experience healthy weight loss or what I like to refer to it “weight freedom” you must address the root mental and emotional issues that lead to eating too much and the wrong kinds of foods. Without addressing the emotional root causes for why we do, what we do, true lasting change can never occur.
To do this type of deep inner work takes a strong desire to change, an openness, and the courage to be vulnerable. Simply put, doing the inner work, yields amazing outer results…results that are real and that last.
Steps to Weight Freedom:
- Recognizing your unresourceful pattern. What situations, people or circumstances in your life lead you to overeat? Where do you feel powerless, out of control, worthless, afraid, and uncertain? What do you consistently focus on that is outside of your control? Honestly answering these questions will bring to the surface inner conflicts that need to be shifted to healthfully lose weight.
- Powerfully dealing with these inner conflicts. A good coach or therapist can help with this process. Working through deep inner conflicts can be challenging and scary but the end result by far outweighs the work in moving through them.
- Replacing bad habits (emotional eating) with good habits (taking a walk, breathing, reading a book, finding a passion project, starting a new relationship) this step only lasts when step one and two have been taken.
Often times people try to jump right to step three and are only successful for a short period of time until they fall back into their old patterns.
My hope is that this article has connected you with a clear path to truly take the necessary action to healthily and joyfully achieve your ideal weight.
The power to reclaim your weight and health rests in your hands.
There’s no greater satisfaction than seeing, feeling, and experiencing daily incremental improvement in your health and knowing YOU were the one responsible.
Healthy weight loss is possible. Think about all you’ll gain as a result letting go of the inner conflicts that have been unnecessary weighing you down for years.
Don’t believe the weight loss hype, do the inner work, change your lifestyle and experience how good your body is designed to feel….experience weight freedom.
After studying over 100 dietary theories, and hearing the frustrations of many clients, friends and family about their frustrating experience with diets and quick weight loss programs, and after helping many women holistically lose weight and keep it off, I’ve come to realize that there isn’t a “quick-fix” to weight loss because we aren’t broken.
Savvy marketers will try and sell their magic weight loss pills, potions and diets but the true healthy weight loss is and always has been an inner game that takes dedication, commitment, time and support.
Discover the 6 “No-Diet” Secrets to Permanent Weight loss:
In the guide I share…
- The 3 biggest lifestyle mistakes dieters make and how to avoid them with ease.
- What foods burn belly fat and 18 easy to make delicious fiber rich protein dense breakfast recipes.
- How stress is affecting your weight loss success and 4 effective techniques to powerfully deal with it.