Have you’ve been overindulging? Feeling tired and sluggish? Experiencing digestive discomfort such as constipation or bloating? Having trouble losing weight or experiencing skins issues such as acne? Chances are it’s time to detox.
What is Detoxing?
Simply put detoxing is removing impurities also called toxins from your body. Removing and cleaning out toxins will help your body fight disease and can reset your body systems creating an optimum internal health environment. It’s also a great way to jump into a healthier lifestyle and lose unwanted pounds fast.
There are many different ways to detox. But the common goal of most detox’s is to remove toxic buildup from body organs and fatty tissue as well as restore the digestive, lymphatic, circulatory and endocrine body systems. Often detoxing specifically helps cleanse the blood, liver, kidneys, intestines, lymph, and skin. Detoxing also called detoxification has been practiced in every culture around the world for centuries.
Detoxing is necessary especially in the 21st century because we live in such a toxic world. Sadly the need to detox our bodies has never been more important because of the toxic build up from the food we consume, water we drink and air we breathe has never been greater. Over the days, weeks, months and years toxins lodge and accumulate in our body tissues especially in the liver and fatty tissue which can cause weight gain, low energy, poor digestion and even an increase in the risk of developing diseases such as cancer.
Detoxing can greatly reduce oxidative stress and inflammation in our bodies which is at the root of all disease, as well as assists in fighting free radicals or cancer causing cells. It can also jump start our digestive system, increase energy, boost the immune system, help with weight loss, and create vibrant glowing skin.
3 Main Steps to Detoxing:
1. Toxins must be mobilized from their storage site inside fat cells
2. Transformed into compounds that our bodies can excrete
3. Eliminated from the body via elimination pathways (through the bowel, urine, and sweating)
A detox program can help the body in the following ways:
Give the liver, kidneys and digestive tract and other body organs a much needed break
Provide cells with nutrients to function properly and more efficiently
Promote the elimination of toxic impurities lodge in our body systems
Experts agree that detoxing at least once a year is a good idea. But depending on the type of detox, your current health, lifestyle, geographic location and unique biochemistry and health history detoxing a few times a year may be greatly beneficial and necessary to experiencing health.
How do you know if you need to detox?
These are all common signs it’s time to detox…
Easily feeling fatigued, tired and sluggish
Experiencing digestive discomfort such as constipation, bloating, or gas
Having trouble losing weight
Experiencing skins issues such as acne
Puffy baggy eyes
Mental fog
Food cravings
Low energy
Bad breath
Unexplained nausea
Irritability and mood swings
Should you Detox?
If you’re experiencing any of the above symptoms or you eat a lot of takeout packaged processed foods, use commercial personal care products, have never done a detox, or find your becoming hypersensitive to eating certain foods, then a detox program will greatly benefit your health. Detoxing does for your body what changing the oil does for you car. Detoxing is kind of like hitting a reset or reboot button for you body.
Types of detoxes:
There are many different types and ways of detoxifying the body. The most common way is through a detox diet which usually includes drinking detox drinks such as fruit and vegetable juices and detox smoothies, taking detoxifying cleansing herbal supplements, fasting, and following specific detox recipes and protocols. These detox diets usually last any where from 3 to 30 days in length and usually involve a combination of a specific way of eating combined with herbal supplements. Many popular detoxes also recommend dry brushing, light exercise, drinking lots of purified water, stress management, good sleep, epsom salt baths, colon hydrotherapy, massage and sauna therapy in addition to following a detox diet plan protocol.
When choosing a detox it’s important to do your homework. Over the past several years cleanses and detoxing have become quite popular. Especially as celebrities such as Gwyneth Paltrow, Demi Moore and Beyoncé all tout their benefits. But many of the detox’s out there expensive, time consuming and involve days of running back and forth to the bathroom which just isn’t realistic for our busy 21st century lives.
Also after completing a detox it’s essential to learn how to eat after the detox. It doesn’t make much sense to cleanse your body, then return to toxic lifestyle habits after the fact. If you’re interested in detoxing your body naturally to restore energy, drop belly bloat and reset your body, I created an awesome FREE 1-Day Green Smoothie Detox Plan for you. Click here to get it now.
This is a great starter detox that will help your body naturally reset it’s self.