Staying in a healthy routine is hard enough when not traveling but throw in long flights, different time zones, unfamiliar places and schedules and “boom” even a discipline super achiever can really get thrown off.
Tag: devin burke
14 Of the Most Asked Questions About CBD | Hemp Oil
CBD is becoming one of the most highly sought after and used supplements in the holistic health world. Why? Because it’s benefits are finally being discovered and shared. It also just so happens to help alleviate the 3 most common 21st-century health conditions
Yuri Elkaims Healthprenuer Live Event Review
I have to admit, I love attending events and seminars. I live for learning experiences and connecting with other like-minded amazing people. In the past two years, I’ve been to at least ten personal and professional development seminars and workshops… in this post, I’m happy to share my experience and review of Yuri Elkaims Healthpreneur…
11 Brain Boosting Foods
Foods that are high in good omega-3 fats, are rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals and are anti inflammatory not only protect us from brain disease they can help increase cognitive ability, like understanding, learning, and staying focused.
Healthy Eating in the 21st Century
We all eat every day, but somehow, no one really quite knows what to eat. Despite all the nutritional research, diet books and theories, how is it that most Americans are still baffled about what to eat to achieve a long and healthy life?
The Complete Beginner's Guide to Detoxes
Have you’ve been overindulging? Feeling tired and sluggish? Experiencing digestive discomfort such as constipation or bloating? Having trouble losing weight or experiencing skins issues such as acne? Chances are it’s time to detox.
Is Using Cannabidiol for You? (The Truth about CBD Oil)
CBD also known as cannabadiol, is a nonpsychoactive (it won’t make you feel high) compound found in cannabis. It is one of over 60 different compounds present in cannabis. CBD is usually present in cannabis in high concentrations along with THC (the compound in cannabis that is psychoactive and makes you feel high).
Top 10 Cancer Fighting Foods | Eat These To Be Cancer FREE
Unfortunately, getting cancer is almost ‘normal’ in the 21st century. According to the American Cancer Society there will be an estimated 1,658,370 new cancer cases diagnosed and 600,000 cancer deaths in the US this year alone. That’s just under 2,000 people per day…